Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Alan Arkin - Improv Workshop

Sharlot Hall Museum in Prescott and myself, Elyse April are bringing Mr. Alan Arkin and his wife, Suzanne to Prescott College Crossroads Center for:

Alan Arkin - "An Improvised Life"

Friday Night Q & A (tentatively scheduled) at The Crossroads Center, Prescott College Campus
October 14th, 7-8:30PM
$20 Advance tickets, $25 at the door

ALSO: All Day Improv. Workshop Sat. October 15th & Sun. October 16h
10AM - 6PM ( 1 and 1/2 hr. lunch and small breaks)
COST: $300 (includes FREE admittance to Q &A)
LOCATION: (TBA- in Prescott)

* ONLY 20 PARTICIPANTS - We have 7 spots open!

Please call Elyse at 928 -710-5983 for further information.


  1. Great opportunity - "An Improvised Life" is an amazing book!

  2. Would love to do a short phone interview with Mr. Arkin on Prescott Arts Beat (KJZA/KAWC) prior to these two events. If interested, please email me at
